
The community lounge room
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

The community lounge room

Guest presenter Jacqui Phillips shares her take on a modern library, complete with romance novels, book chatter, heavy school bags and an African drumming class.

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Why do people feel safe at the library?
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

Why do people feel safe at the library?

On average, 84% of people think that public libraries are a safe place. And this includes feedback from library users and people who don’t use libraries. What is it about libraries that creates this perception?

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How do you engage and attract library non-users?
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

How do you engage and attract library non-users?

How do you get non-users into the library? Well, it depends on who they are and why they’re not using the library. You might promote library services, break down barriers to access, change people’s minds, or just leave them be.

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Who doesn’t use public libraries? And why?
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

Who doesn’t use public libraries? And why?

When doing community consultation on library use we often get asked about the people who don’t use the library. Who are they? And why don’t they use the library? As it turns out we already know a bit about the non-users, and have done so for years thanks to the Libraries Building Communities research.

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The 20% that makes your Library Plan real
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

The 20% that makes your Library Plan real

Most public library plans and strategies should look pretty similar - after all, good libraries have many similar characteristics. So what is it that makes a good library plan different from the next one.

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A Library BMI
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

A Library BMI

Are population catchments equitably served by public library services? My deep dive into a new sort of BMI suggests not.

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The Golden Ratio
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

The Golden Ratio

2021 has not been a normal year. But there is more library analysis coming to the blog soon. And there’s bonus content at the end of this short piece!

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When Strength = Weakness
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

When Strength = Weakness

It’s unfortunate, but one of the strengths of a contemporary library will also be a major weakness as we move to a post-COVID normal.

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Why the census matters to libraries
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

Why the census matters to libraries

It’s census time again - which means that libraries are about to be armed with a powerful planning tool. But what is it about the census that makes it so important?

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Public libraries. What’s the Use?
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

Public libraries. What’s the Use?

One of the challenges in trying to demonstrate the value of public libraries is the diversity of use and impact - literacy, lifelong learning, digital inclusion, social inclusion, mental wellbeing, etc. If we’re to find answers we just need to make a start.

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Schools running public libraries? Just say ‘No’.
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

Schools running public libraries? Just say ‘No’.

I am a huge fan of education. When I was younger I went to school - I loved it! But I can’t see how a school running a public library makes good sense for a community. I know it can work in some cases but most of the time I’d just say ‘No’ - for the following reasons.

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Library metrics for a post-COVID world
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

Library metrics for a post-COVID world

I suspect that our COVID experience will change the way people use public libraries. And some new measures might help us to understand these changes and respond accordingly.

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What makes a library a library?
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

What makes a library a library?

I used to think that a library was built around a collection. But my ideas of a 21st century library are continually challenged - and I have to adapt. WARNING - This blog post contains NO statistics.

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How many libraries does a Council need?
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

How many libraries does a Council need?

While people who live in outer Melbourne have to share a library with 60,000 others, in inner city suburbs there are libraries every 4 sq km. Is this equitable?

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What if libraries could change the world?
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

What if libraries could change the world?

I have a dream, that one day … every kid starts school ready to read and learn. Just think of the difference that could make in the lives of kids who, for the lack of good reading skills, might otherwise experience challenges in life and work. What would it take to make that happen?

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Library Stats that are wrong
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

Library Stats that are wrong

Don’t you hate it when someone starts a sentence with “I don’t mean to be rude, but … .” Today that’s me, and I’m turning the spotlight on some examples of data that really annoy me. Bad data leads to bad decision-making. So be alert to it.

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Handy Library Statistics
Ian Phillips Ian Phillips

Handy Library Statistics

Here are some handy statistics to have in mind when talking about the value of public libraries. They cover literacy, internet access, ageing, social isolation and return on investment.

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